How to see names and values of environment variables in Windows 10.Create and Modify Environment Variables on Windows

How to see names and values of environment variables in Windows 10.Create and Modify Environment Variables on Windows

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- Windows 10 user environment variables list free 


- Recognized Environment Variables (Windows 10) - Windows Deployment | Microsoft Docs

  If the PATH, ORACLE_SID, and ORACLE_HOME environment variables do not exist, you must create them. Here's the full list of environment variables you can use on Windows 10 to quickly access certain locations within the operating system. Standard (built-in) Variables ; HighestNumaNodeNumber, Y (hidden) ; HOMEDRIVE, Y ; HOMEPATH, Y ; HOMESHARE, Y.    


Recognized Environment Variables (Windows 10) - Windows Deployment | Microsoft - List all environment variables from the command line - Stack Overflow


Learn more. List all environment variables from the command line Ask Question. Asked 11 years, 3 months ago. Modified 11 months ago. Viewed 1. Is it possible to list all environment variables from a Windows' command prompt? Improve this question. Nicola Cossu Nicola Cossu For a description of each, see ss Add a comment. Sorted by: Reset to default. Highest score default Date modified newest first Date created oldest first.

For example, if you want to read only derbydb from the environment variables, do the following: set derby Improve this answer. Peter Mortensen 30k 21 21 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. Jon Jon k 75 75 gold badges silver badges bronze badges.

This prompts me for a name? KevinMeredith: All commands in the Windows shell are case insensitive. CMCDragonkai are you using powershell? It appears that it has hikacked set with one of its command-lets.

This is one of its less useful features! To do this, Windows needs to know the kind of environment every program requires to work. Windows must store this information somewhere for easier retrieval. Environment variables make that possible. Environment variables are dynamic variables that store data related to creating different environments for different programs and processes. To understand them better, let us take the example of a program that needs to use a built-in Windows tool to run.

For the program to use the tool, the program needs to know the tool's location to access it. The program also needs to find out if it has permission to use the tool or not. Similarly, there are things that a program needs to know before it can use the tool.

So, a program can access all of this information by asking Windows. Windows then looks up environment variables EVs for this data and creates an environment in which that program can run. In other words, EVs store data that is accessible to every program and process running on the system across all users. The data these variables store helps the programs run in the environment they were designed for. All of these variables contain values that any user and process of the system can access at any time.

Windows can look up this variable whenever it needs to find out the name of the current user. Variables that are processed for the operating system and in the context of each user. Variables that are recognized only in the user context. You can use these variables within sections in the. You can use these variables in the. Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported. Download Microsoft Edge More info. Table of contents Exit focus mode.

Table of contents. Submit and view feedback for This product This page. View all page feedback. In this article. Version The file-system directory that contains administrative tools for all users of the computer.

The file-system directory that corresponds to the non-localized Startup program group for all users. The file-system directory that contains application data for all users. The file-system directory that contains files and folders that appear on the desktop for all users. The file-system directory that contains documents that are common to all users. The file-system directory that serves as a common repository for favorites common to all users.


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